Huawei took the stage yesterday, March 26 to announce the launch of its latest smartphones, the P40 series. The company also launched a new smartwatch named Huawei Watch GT 2e. It is a slightly tweaked variant of the Huawei GT 2 launched last year. Huawei touts a battery life of up to 14 days on the wearable. Further, it comes with a SpO2 sensor to monitor the oxygen levels in the blood, and there are about 100 fitness modes. Moreover, 15 of them are professional workout modes, while the 85 others are custom workout modes.
The Huawei Watch GT 2e features a circular dial and it offers a more sporty design than the Huawei Watch GT 2. It comes with two physical buttons on the side to help navigate. The watch sports a 1.39-inch (454x454 pixels) AMOLED display. It is claimed to last up to 14 days. There's a magnetic thimble port for charging, and the wearable will ship with a proprietary charger. As for storage, it comes with 4GB of storage. Further, there’s 5ATM as well so you can take it out for a swim.
On the sensors front, it includes an accelerometer, gyroscope, geomagnetic sensor, optical heart rate sensor, ambient light sensor, air pressure sensor, capacitive sensor, and more. Moreover, it comes with an SpO2 sensor to measure oxygen blood levels. It can track sleep, heart rate, and even monitors stress. It sports a built-in GPS and supports Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity. It is compatible with devices running Android 4.4 and higher, and iOS 9.0 and above. The watch weighs about 43 grams.
The Huawei Watch GT 2e costs EUR 199 (~ Rs 16,400). It will be made available next month in Europe. The wearable comes in Black Stainless Steel and Stainless Steel options. Strap colour options include Graphite Black, Lava Red, Mint Green, and Icy White.
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