The Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro SE, set to debut alongside the Galaxy S23 series on February 1, is said to feature a 15.6-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080. The refresh rate of the display is currently unknown, but it is expected to offer a wide viewing angle. The laptop is also expected to be powered by a 13th-generation Intel Core i5-1340P processor, with a peak clock speed of 4.6GHz, paired with 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM, 256GB of NVMe SSD and Intel Iris Xe graphics, according to a report by MySmartPrice.
Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro SE specificationsAccording to recent reports, the Galaxy Book 3 Pro SE, a part of Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Book 3 series, is expected to feature a 15.6-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and a wide viewing angle. It is said to be powered by a 13th-generation Intel Core i5-1340P processor with a peak clock speed of 4.6GHz, paired with 16GB of LPDDR5 RAM, 256GB of NVMe SSD, and Intel Iris Xe graphics.
The device is also said to come with a full-size keyboard, thin bezels around the display, and a silver colour similar to the Galaxy Book 2 Pro. Connectivity options include Thunderbolt 4, HDMI, and a USB Type-C port, and a possible fingerprint sensor for security. However, it is unclear if the device will run on Windows or ChromeOS, and we will have to wait until the official launch on February 1 to confirm.
Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro SE availabilityThe upcoming Samsung Galaxy Book 3 Pro SE is already available for pre-order in various countries. Pre-ordering the laptop can help you avail offers and benefits from the brand.
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