Sony India has brought the Bravia X90L TV to India. This is their upstate product with top-notch smart TV chops. The Sony TV launches in 55-inch and 65-inch now, and will soon be joined by a 75-inch model. The base variant begins at ₹139,990 and will be retailing through Sony outlets, major electronic stores and e-commerce sites starting June 26, 2023.
Here’s what you ought to know before you add this TV to the shopping cart.
10 Bravia X90L smarts that are unique to Sony 1. Cognitive Processor XRBy using AI, Sony’s Cognitive Processor XR tries to process audio and visuals based on how humans see or hear the world around them. It is said to be even capable of understanding the focal point of a picture and enhancing the content accordingly. Similarly, it boasts the ability to judge depth or your distance from the TV and optimize both the audio and video so that you can experience them the best from wherever you are present in the room.
2. XR Contrast Pro BoosterXR Contrast Pro Booster ensures the darks stay dark and light areas stay light. Shadows and highlights are tried to be maintained close to reality. The Full Array LED and a higher peak brightness than ever allow for this contrast control.
3. XR Triluminos ProThe Bravia X90L sports a billion colours along with the different shades required to bring a vivid colour representation on screen. This has been dubbed XR Triluminous Pro by the brand.
4. XR Clear ImageAs the name suggests, XR Clear Image reduces noise and blur for clearer visuals on the Sony X90L display.
5. XR 4K UpscalingThe top-end Sony TVs like the titular model come equipped with a 4K upscaling tech that uses AI to fill in lost textures and detail. This lets you watch even lower-res content in better quality.
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6. XR Motion Clarity technologyThrough advanced techniques like frame insertion, LED backlight control, and blur reduction, the fast-paced motion content like sports appears smooth.
7. XR sound positioning with XR SurroundSony has packed in a 10W+10W+5W+5W speaker arrangement and Dolby Atmos. The company claims the TV can produce sound from the right place on the screen. You get to hear sound from multiple directions and if the content isn’t Dolby Atmos-supported, it resorts to vertical surround sound.
8. Bravia CamBravia Cam doesn’t come bundled but if you purchase it, you get to enjoy video calls via Google Meet, sound and picture adjustment based on your distance from the TV, auto-brightness and gesture controls.
9. Bravia CoreBravia Core is a built-in app that lets you watch up to 10 movies (including Sony’s own titles) in 4K quality.
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10. PlayStation 5 supportIf you connect a PS5 via the TV’s HDMI 2.1 port, this Sony TV will match the HDR settings, reduce the input lag and ensure low latency while playing games.
Sony X90L price and release in IndiaYou can buy the Sony Bravia X90L 55-inch model at ₹139,990 and the 65-inch model at ₹179,990. It goes on sale starting today. As part of an introductory offer starting July 1, if you purchase a PS5 with this TV, you can get up to ₹24,000 discount.
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